Thera-Med Back Pad, Icy Cold Gel, Reusable, Portable for Back Pain (13.5” x 13.x5”)

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  • Variety of orthopedically designed shapes and sizes
  • Promotes healing with cold therapy
  • Safe and natural

  • The Thera-Med Icy Cold Back Pad is dual-sided with a white side for optimal cold therapy and a soft, blue fabric side for a gentler cold treatment. This back pad remains flexible when frozen and can go straight from the freeze to your body without the need for additional sleeves or towels. The innovative design helps to keep the gel evenly dispersed throughout the pad for the most effective cold therapy. This isn't your ordinary cold pack! Tabs featured on all four sides of the Thera-Med Icy Cold Back Pad assure maximum coverage and even therapy for users of all sizes.
    Brand: Theramed, Model: TMF10140, Color: red, Size: Pack of 1

    Custom Tab 01

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