The Pencil Grip JUMBO Gripper Ergonomic Writing Aid, 12 Count Classic Colors (TPG-11412)

The Pencil Grip
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  • 40% larger than The Pencil Grip
  • Benefits Children & Adults
  • The only grip that supports up to the second knuckle
  • Designed for Righties & Lefties
  • Arthritis Foundation recommended as "easy" and "comfortable"

  • The JUMBO Grip uses the same revolutionary design and is 40% larger than The Pencil Grip, the #1 grip recommended by doctors, teachers, and occupational therapist for children and adults. The Pencil Grip's ergonomic design is the original and continues to set the standard for writing aids. The increased size of the JUMBO grip benefits adults with hand health issues and children with smaller hands or less fine motor skills. Developed by prominent educational therapist Dr. Lois Provda, The JUMBO Pencil Grip increases comfort, teaches the proper hand positioning, and improves control. Its ergonomic design also provides relief of hand fatigue and pain. Righties and Lefties simply place their thumb on the "R” or "L” on the grip and their fingers naturally fall into place. Includes 12 JUMBO grips in assorted classic colors.
    Brand: The Pencil Grip, Model: TPG-11412, Color: Original, Size: 12-ct

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