The Learning Journey Jumbo Animals Floor Puzzle

The Learning Journey
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  • Explore the animal world - this puzzle is a fantastic conversation starter for young explorers with an interest in animals. The brightly colored illustrations provide a range of talking points and are a great opportunity for you to talk about animals and the categories they fit into.
  • Increase concentration & focus - the puzzle encourages the child to build up concentration as they work to complete the whole puzzle and discover each new illustration. Jigsaw puzzles are a great way to improve a child's ability to focus on a task to completion.
  • Develop problem-solving skills - working out which piece goes where is a wonderful way to develop problem-solving skills. Using trial and Error, with the pictures to guide them, children will work out new techniques for solving the puzzle. These problem-solving skills will help them as they undertake other tasks.
  • Boost self-esteem & confidence - completing a puzzle, either together with an adult or independently, gives a child a sense of achievement that provides them with a healthy boost to their self-esteem. Learning new skills is a great way to increase a child's sense of self-esteem.
  • Improve motor skills/hand-eye coordination - putting the puzzle together is a good physical challenge for children, boosting their developing motor skills and improving their hand-eye coordination; two transferable skills that will help them in many areas of their education.

  • The Jumbo Puzzle series are large floor puzzles that introduce children to basic concepts in a fun way. Each Jumbo Puzzle features very bright and colorful illustrations that encourage parent-child discussion about the pictured objects. Each Jumbo Puzzle has 50 puzzle pieces and measures 3ftx2ft ! Ages 3 years
    Brand: The Learning Journey, Model: 881347, Color: Multi

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