The Laundress Wool & Cashmere Shampoo, Cedar, 16 fl. oz. – 32 loads

The Laundress
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  • Safely and effectively cleans wool and cashmere
  • Preserves natural lanolin oils, keeping yarns soft
  • Naturally repels bugs and moths
  • Highly concentrated -Up to 32 washes
  • Ideal for items labeled "dry clean," wool, cashmere, merino, mohair, blends, and more. Ideal for cleaning sweaters, scarves, hats, outerwear, down clothing, bedding, pillows, and throws.
  • Designed for the care of wool and cashmere, our Cedar scent is a modern take on the traditional woody scent combining sandalwood, orange, and rose with a base of cedar. We love cedar's natural moth-repelling properties!

  • We are absolute fanatics about the proper care for our beloved sweaters. Made from a combinatrion of cedar extracts and a concentrated shampoo base, this formula cleans and preserves the natural components of yarns. Yes you can (and you should!) wash your wool and cashmere items. Why dry clean when you can provide better care for your woolens at home, minus the toxins and extra cost Designed for the care of wool and cashmere, our Cedar scent is a modern take on the traditional woody scent combining sandalwood, orange, and rose with a base of cedar. We love cedar's natural moth-repelling properties!
    Brand: The Laundress, Model: C-006, Size: 16 fl. oz.

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