Warms breast milk, formula and baby food jars in minutes
Auto shut-off for added safety
Works with most wide, narrow, angled, even disposable bottles
Bottle not included
BPA Free
It's the middle of the night and baby wants his bottle NOW! The compact Quick Serve Bottle Warmer can heat bottles quickly-including straight, angled, wide-necked, even disposables. It offers a safe and effective alternative to microwaving and other heating methods that are less precise and can be more time consuming. The measuring vial helps you anticipate warming duration and this bottle warmer features an auto shut-off for added safety. Helpful Tip: Having the vial prefilled makes on demand feedings quicker! This unit does more than just warm bottle! It can also be used to warm a jar of baby food or sterilizes pacifiers with the included basket. We are here to help. If you have any questions or comments, please call or write: 1-800-704-8697 / helpthefirstyears.com. Brand: The First Years, Model: Y1095A10, Color: Colors May Vary
Custom Tab 01
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