The First Years Breastflow Stage 2 Nipple 2-PK

The First Years
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  • Perfect for Breast Milk and Formula
  • 88% of moms surveyed in an independent in-home bottle feeding research study said their babies experienced less gas or less spit-up or less fussiness
  • Breast flow is the only feeding system that requires both suction and compression, just like breast feeding
  • Soft outer nipple mimics the feel of the breast, allowing baby's tongue to stay in the same position as breastfeeding
  • Patented inner nipple allows your baby to control the flow naturally like breastfeeding whether you use breast milk or formula
  • Perfect for Breast Milk and Formula
  • 88% of moms surveyed in an independent in-home bottle feeding research study said their babies experienced less gas or less spit-up or less fussiness
  • Breastflow is the only feeding system that requires both suction and compression, just like breast feeding
  • Soft outer nipple mimics the feel of the breast, allowing baby's tongue to stay in the same position as breastfeeding
  • Patented inner nipple allows your baby to control the flow naturally like breastfeeding whether you use breast milk or formula

  • Not your ordinary nipple! Breast flow 's patented 2-in-1 nipple lets your baby control the flow of breast milk or formula as naturally as breastfeeding by using both suction and compression motions. Nipples are BPA Free and come in a convenient 2-pack.; From the Manufacturer; Breast flow's patented 2-in-1 nipple lets your baby control the flow of breast milk or formula as naturally as breastfeeding. By using, both suction and compression motions, your baby is able to regulate the flow of milk unlike any other bottle. Plus, Breast flow is designed to help prevent colic. Moms who participated in an independent in-home bottle feeding research study said their babies experienced reduced colic symptoms such as less gas, spit-up or fussiness when using Breast flow. Whether you choose to feed your baby breast milk or formula, Breast flow provides a unique bottle feeding experience unlike any other for a satisfied baby and happy mom.
    Brand: The First Years, Model: Y1136, Color: Blue

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