The Claw Tie-Down Anchor

The Claw
Out Of Stock


  • Holds 1200 lbs. per Claw
  • Unique tie-down holds the biggest kites, canopies, Christmas yard decorations, dogs, boats, RV awnings, airplanes, hunting tents, etc.
  • Easy to install with a hammer (not included)
  • Folds to 12" and weighs less than 3-lbs
  • Not suitable for loose sand or loose dirt

  • The Claw is a patented lightweight, high-strength, multi-purpose earth anchoring system. The harder the pull the more it grips the earth! Because of the unique design, The Claw's three "Safety Yellow" powder coated aluminum legs and corrosion-resistant 3/8" diameter spikes try to pull together, tightening their grip on the ground like talons of a giant metal bird of prey. It's convenient low-profile design allows for easy installation and removal. The spikes just go 10" deep into the ground.
    Brand: The Claw, Model: C101, Color: Yellow

    Custom Tab 01

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