The Army Painter Quickshade Miniature Varnish for Miniature Painting, Strong Tone (250 ml)

The Army Painter
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  • ADD DETAILS and DEPTH- Turn average paint jobs into fantastic and have miniatures you're not embarrassed to set on the table and play with. Use Quickshade varnishto create coherent-looking force
  • FINISH A BATTALION OF MINIATURES QUICKLY - One of the essential miniature painting tools to finish a bulk of figurines in less time and with good results with either the dipping or brushing method
  • PERFECT SHADING FOR BATTLE-WORN EFFECT - Turn characters from bright, fake colors to grim, shaded effects with the strong tone varnish.Adds a noticeable sepia effect; great for midtone and lighter colors
  • ENOUGH TO PAINT ARMIES AFTER ARMIES - Each pot/can contains 250 ml (approximately 8.45 oz), enough to work on a little more than 200 models. Shake well before use
  • MADE FOR BEGINNER and EXPERT HOBBYISTS - Specially formulated to make miniature painting easier and faster for the novice who are yet to master the craft and experienced ones who have mobs of minis to work on

  • Hundred of miniatures to paint, so little time SAVE TIME PAINTING! The Army Painter Quickshade Strong Tone is a must-have in your miniature painting arsenal. It is specifically engineered to add highlights, effects, and color-richness on models for much less time, cutting the paintwork by more than half.

    The Quickshade is a pigment-based solution. Using it with the famous, old-known dipping technique, you'll end up with colors that come through fantastically.

    Strong Tone Variant: The strong tone shade gives a travel-worn, sepia effects, making it excellent for the dead, zombies, grimy and dirty-looking figurines, chests and tombstones. It also keeps your bright colors bright and provide shadows where needed. It is best used for midtone and light colors.

    Strong tone is basically brown, so it works great on reds, browns, yellows, whites, bleached bones, etc., but not so well on greens and blues.

    No more dealing with too many details - When you're working on a bunch of mobs for a game, you can ditch the time-consuming addition of details with different washes and paints. Just give them a nice even coat and let Quickshade give a consistent shading across all your minis.

    Brushing Method: If you prefer the brushing method, use a brush that you don't plan to use for much else. The varnish leaves a sticky, oily residue that may not wash out with just plain water.

    The Quickshade is designed and formulated to work with 10-28 millimeters (mm) scale miniatures. While it can be easily confused with many floor varnishes and shoe polishes, we don't recommend at all using it on floors and shoes!

    TIP: If the end result is too glossy for your taste, use The Army Painter Anti-Shine Matte Varnish (sold separately) to remove the shine and add more depth.

    Brand: The Army Painter, Color: Strong Tone

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