Tenryu PT-11536 4-1/2" Carbide Tipped Saw Blade ( 36 Tooth ATAF Grind - 3/8" Arbor - 0.063 Kerf)

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  • Fully hardened, expertly tensioned tool steel bodies absorb impact, remain flat and true, and resist excess heat build-up.
  • High-grade, C-3, fine-grain tungsten carbide tips resist erosion for extended blade life.
  • Aggressive rake angles for maximum cutting speed and efficiency.
  • Each tip is precision honed on all four exposed surfaces. This minimizes micro-chipping along the sharp edge of the blade and results in a sharper, longer-lasting edge.
  • Thin kerf for less waste and lighter cutting performance (reduced feed pressure).

  • The Tenryu PT-11536 is a 4-1/2 inch saw blade with 3/8 inch arbor. This fully hardened blade can aborb impact while resist heat built-up and remain flat and true. The tips are high-grade tungsten carbide to resist erosion for extended blade life. The kerf size is .063" and with having such a thin kerf, it will create less waste and lighter cutting performance. This blade has alternate top alternate face (ATAF) tips, meaning the top of the tips alternate left and right while the face alternates left and right. The purpose of having ATAF tips is that it creates a better shearing action, especially in cross-grain, natural wood.
    Brand: Tenryu

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