Tennsco Standard Black Storage Cabinet - 36 X 18 X 72 - Steel Nylon - 5 X Shelf[ves] - Heavy Duty Adjustable Shelf Locking Door Hinged Door Reinforced Carrying Handle Durable -

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  • Tennsco Standard Black Storage Cabinet
  • 36" x 18" x 72"
  • 5 x Shelf(ves)
  • 2 x Standard Door(s)

  • Tennsco Standard Black Storage Cabinet - 36" x 18" x 72" - 5 x Shelf(ves) - 2 x Standard Door(s) - Heavy Duty, Adjustable Shelf, Locking Door, Hinged Door, Reinforced, Carrying Handle, Durable - Black, Brushed Chrome - Powder Coated - Steel, Nylon - Recycled Perfect choice for office or industrial applications, this standard heavy-duty cabinet with an 18" depth is built with premium-quality steel and reinforced doors for long-term performance. Four of the five shelves adjust in 2" increments without tools. Built-in shelf support tabs secure shelves tightly to the cabinet without clips or added parts, adding rigidity and preventing small items from falling over edge or rear of shelf. Dual swing-out doors ride on three heavy-duty leaf-hinges to assure doors stay aligned. Each door incorporates an extra-wide reinforcement that is welded for added strength and stability. Attractive polished chrome handle with lock activates the cabinet's three-point locking system. With this locking mechanism, you can simply turn the handle, and doors lock at three points for maximum security. Nylon guides help make operation quiet. The raised base uses a box construction for added overall stiffness and keeps materials out of harm's way from cleaning liquids.
    Brand: Tennsco, Model: 1470BK

    Custom Tab 01

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