Telesteps 1000L OSHA Compliant 7-10 ft Ceiling Heights Telescoping Attic or Loft Ladder

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  • Telescoping attic or loft ladder (attic door sold separately)
  • Type 1A 300 lb rated; weighs 23 lbs. Spring loaded so it is safe and easy to extend and retract
  • Fully automatic operation up and down with patented One-Touch release mechanism
  • Can be used in applications for 7 ft-10 ft ceiling heights
  • OSHA Compliant, ANSI 14.2 tested

  • Revolutionary Telesteps Attic/Loft telescoping extension ladder, made from high quality aluminum alloys, this ladder can be used for 7 ft. to 10 ft. ceiling heights. This telescoping Attic/Loft ladder features fully automatic extension and retraction with a patented one touch release mechanism for ease of use. OSHA certified, and ANSI 14.2 tested, with a 300 LBS Type 1A duty rating, this telescopic ladder gives the user super easy access to the attic or loft, and the ladder retracts and stores easily on the attic or loft door. Equipped with non-slip feet for safe grip on the substrate and elliptical tubes for strength, these ladders are built with safety in mind. Great for use in new home construction or in existing homes.
    Brand: Telesteps, Model: T1000, Color: Aluminum

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