TB Woods AK2578 FHP Bored-to-size V-Belt Sheave, A Belt Section, 1 Groove, 7/8" Bore, Cast Iron, 2.55" OD, 9810 max rpm

TB Woods
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Brand TB Woods
Size 9810 max rpm

  • Classical V-belt sheave fits widely available, classical profile V-belts suitable for use in many existing drive designs
  • Cast iron for resistance to wear and galling
  • A belt or cross section
  • One groove for single belt use

  • This TB Woods bored-to-size V-belt sheave with an A belt section is made of cast iron and comes with one groove. It is a classical V-belt sheave that fits a variety of widely available, classical profile V-belts suitable for use in many existing power transmission drives. This pulley is made of cast iron for resistance to wear, corrosion, and galling. It has an A cross section and one groove for use with single belts. V-belt pulleys (sheaves) are used in a wide range of mechanical and electronic drives, including HVAC units, farm machinery, food processing equipment, and home appliances, among others.

    V-belt pulleys (sheaves) are the component in a power transmission drive that transmits power to the belt. Typically made of cast iron, the pulleys and the V-belts that loop around them match in form – wide (classical) or narrow, single or multi-grooved. V-belt pulleys are found in drive designs in the agriculture, textile, printing, mining, and office equipment industries.

    TB Wood's manufactures sheaves, V-belts, couplings, bushings, and other power transmission products. Founded in 1857, it is based in Chambersburg, PA.

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