Taylor Wired Digital Indoor/Outdoor Thermometer

Taylor Precision Products
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  • This digital wired thermometer shows daily indoor and outdoor temperatures in °F or °C
  • The 10 ft. wired probe accurately gauges even the most extreme hot or cold temperatures
  • Features daily minimum/maximum temperature recall, ice alerts, and a built-in clock
  • Oversized LED digits provide enhanced readability from across the room
  • Versatile mounting options include a built-in stand or wall mount

  • Never question the accuracy of the weatherman again! With the Taylor Wired Indoor and Outdoor thermometer, you can confidently prepare for the day ahead with temperature readings personalized to your home. The included 10 ft. wired probe registers even the most extreme outdoor temperatures from -40 to 158 °F or -40 to 70 °C, while indoor temperatures are recorded from 32 to 122 °F or 0 to 50 °C to help you easily maintain and regulate your favorite spaces. Winter or summer, effortlessly keep track of the seasons with daily minimum and maximum recall and ice alerts. The LED display also features a built-in clock and bold oversized digits that can be seen from across the room. With an integrated stand and wall mount, more versatile mounting options are available in any room, patio, or garage. Monitor the weather when and how you want with this wired thermometer, the only weatherman that won't take a day off.
    Brand: Taylor Precision Products, Model: 1710, Color: Black, Size: 1

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