Taylor Precision Products Allergen Waterproof Digital Pocket Thermometer

Taylor Precision Products
In Stock


Brand Taylor Precision Products
Model 9878EPR
Color Purple

  • Instantly read temperatures from the easy-to-read LCD display on this waterproof pocket thermometer.
  • With a temperature range of -40 to 500 degrees Fahrenheit or -40 to 260 degrees Celsius, this thermometer recalls minimum and maximum temperatures at the press of a button.
  • This digital thermometer is easily recalibrated and includes a hold setting and a backlit display for easy reading, with auto shut off to preserve the included lithium battery.
  • A 4.5-inch long stainless steel probe stem with step-down tip reaches deep and cleans easily, with a color-coded anti-microbial protective storage sleeve that clips to pockets or straps.
  • With its flattened profile, never worry about the thermometer rolling off tables and other flat surfaces.

  • With its distinctive color, the Taylor Precision Products Allergen Waterproof Digital Pocket Thermometer reminds users to avoid measuring certain foods to avoid allergen cross-contamination. Instantly read temperatures from the easy-to-read LCD display on this waterproof pocket thermometer. With a temperature range of -40 to 500 degrees Fahrenheit or -40 to 260 degrees Celsius, this thermometer recalls minimum and maximum temperatures at the press of a button. This digital thermometer is easily recalibrated and includes a hold setting and a backlit display for easy reading, with auto shut off to preserve the included lithium battery. A 4.5-inch long stainless steel probe stem with step-down tip reaches deep and cleans easily, with a color-coded anti-microbial protective storage sleeve that clips to pockets or straps. With its flattened profile, never worry about the thermometer rolling off tables and other flat surfaces.

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