Taf Toys 4 Seasons Activity Mat with Baby Safe Mirror, Ring Rattle Teether and Rattling Ball

Taf Toys
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Brand Taf Toys
Model TAF11185
Color Clear

  • Generously sized 40 x 40 inch (100cm x 100cm) and thickly padded.
  • With side panels that raise to keep baby cosy and safe.
  • Four vibrantly coloured base panels each depict a different season of the year with fun, comical illustrations and textures, surrounding an extremely soft, appealing fabric centre.
  • 3 detachable toys will further your baby's exploration of the seasons, including a rattling ball, ring rattle teether and baby-safe mirror, plus 3 peek-a-boo flaps.
  • Suitable from birth.

  • Introduce your baby to the four seasons with this beautifully illustrated, brightly colored play mat. Generously sized 40 x 40 inch (100cm x 100cm) and thickly padded, the Taf Toys Four Seasons Mat has been designed specifically for new-born babies. With side panels that raise to keep baby cosy and safe, you can easily create a snug environment for baby to wriggle and play in. Four vibrantly colored base panels each depict a different season of the year with fun, comical illustrations and textures, surrounding an extremely soft, appealing fabric centre. High contrast black and white illustrations on the side panels will help to visually stimulate even the tiniest of babies. The 3 detachable toys will further your baby's exploration of the seasons, including a rattling ball, ring rattle teether and baby-safe mirror, plus 3 peek-a-boo flaps. The Taf Toys Four Seasons Mat will encourage parent-baby interaction whilst also helping to develop baby's fine and gross motor skills in a safe, cosy and educational environment. At Taf Toys we understand that choosing the right developmental toy for your child is a serious decision. Taf Toys' wide range of products provides you with developmental toys that correspond to your baby's age and that are challenging, fun, and inspire the imagination. All of our toys are created with the intention to promote your baby's emotional, cognitive, and physical development during their first two years of growth. Our goal is to help your baby establish a foundation for a healthy and happy developmental path. Box Contains: 1 x Four Seasons Mat, Rattling Ball, Ring Rattle Teether, Baby Safe Mirror, Mini TAF Catalogue

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