Switch and Spin Magnetic Gear Board FREE Melissa & Doug Scratch Art Mini-Pad Bundle [37457]

Melissa & Doug
Out Of Stock


  • ONE FREE Melissa & Doug Scratch Art Mini-Pad is bundled with this item. The style of the mini-pad you receive is randomly picked. The Scratch Art Mini-Pad is considered a FREE bundled item. If you return this item, please return it as well.
  • Includes magnetic board with wooden frame, eight magnetic pegs, five double-sided design templates, and eight gears to place, spin and rearrange
  • Design templates feature appealing line-art drawings that come to life when the colorful pegs are placed
  • Each card features color-coded holes to guide peg placement, plus an easy-lift table for no-hassle design changes
  • Ideal for developing dexterity, problem solving and an understanding of cause-and-effect and simple mechanics. For age 2.

  • A unique spin on magnetic toys, Switch & Spin Magnetic Gear Board lets kids build their own toy! Simply choose a picture template from 10 unique designs and place it in the wooden frame. Then add the gears in the color-coded spaces to turn each picture into an amazing kid-powered machine! Or remove the templates to reveal the white magnetic surface - perfect for an open-ended exploration of simple mechanics, or a range of counting, adding, and problem-solving activities (instructions included). This sturdy, durable gears toy includes a magnetic board with wooden frame, eight magnetic pegs, eight colorful gears, and five double-sided, color-coded design templates.

    Brand: Melissa & Doug, Model: 3745

    Custom Tab 01

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