Swingline 9512 SmartCut Pro Metal 10-Sheet Rotary Trimmer, Metal Base, 10 1/4 x 17 1/4

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  • Rotary cutting of up to 10 sheets at once; 12 inch cutting length
  • Durable metal base and non-slip rubber feet
  • Alignment grid and dual scale ruler for precise measuring
  • Rotary trimmer conceals blade edges for safer use
  • Straight blade included; perforated and wave blades sold separately

  • Rotary trimmers are able to provide perfect paper cutting. The SmartCut Pro Rotary trimmer in particular, is sturdy and versatile. The rotary blade of the trimmer precision cuts up to 10 sheets, while the metal base of the trimmer has rubber feet on the bottom to prevent slipping. The base is also printed with an alignment grid and dual scale ruler to ensure accuracy. The meet varied trimming needs, the SmartCut Pro comes in either a 12 inch or 15 inch cut length. The included straight blade is great for neatly trimming paper, photos, presentations, laminated documents or even craft projects. It can even be used for artistic scrapbooking. SmartCut Pro Rotary Trimmers bring imaginative designs to life with blade designs that aren't available with guillotine trimmers and yet still create lines that are more accurate than scissor cuts. Create borders and backdrops for your scrapbook pages and photos, or simply add flair to any personal project. The straight trimmer blade can be switched out and changed to a perforator blade (9212PB) or a wave blade (9212WB) for more creative paper cutting. These additional blades are sold separately. Choose a SmartCut Pro Rotary Trimmer for reliable trimming with an option for variety.
    Brand: Swingline, Model: 9512, Color: Grey, Size: 17 1/4 In

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