Swiffer Dusters Disposable Cleaning Dusters Unscented Starter Kit, 1 Kit (Pack of 2)

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  • Swiffer Dusters trap and lock 2X more dust than a feather duster
  • Thousands of fluffy fibers feature Dust Lock Adhesive
  • "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back Via Prepaid Card
  • Great for dusting electronics, knick-knacks in your home or office, or even your car interior
  • Fibers change shape to reach into nooks and crannies

  • Swiffer Dusters trap and lock dust and allergens with thousands of fluffy fibers. That's because each fluffy, flexible fiber features Dust Lock Adhesive that traps and locks dust away for good. The unique fluffy fibers can also change shape to get into nooks and crannies and dust virtually any surface for a great clean. Common inanimate allergens from cat and dog dander and dust mite matter.
    Brand: Swiffer, Model: 08870001108

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