Swarovski ATX 85 Stay-on Case 49951

Swarovski Optik
Out Of Stock


  • Swarovski Optik Stay-On-Case - Neoprene Strap - Swarovski Optik Warranty
  • Form-fitting rugged Cordura nylon exterior
  • Soft padded interior protects scope's exterior
  • Snap and zipper closure for quick access and ease of use
  • Secure skin-tight fit does not slip

  • The Swarovski Optik Stay-On-Case features a tough and durable green and black Cordura exterior with a soft padded interior. This protective form-fitting sheath zips into place to provide a secure skin-tight fit. While its main function is to protect the scope from bumps and abrasions when traveling, in storage and in use it is also a carry-case that is complete with a shoulder strap and the appropriate attachment hardware. The Stay-On-Case is just that - a case that stays in place during observation. It allows full access to all of the scope's features, including the retractable sunshade. Conveniently placed snaps and zippers allow the front and rear covers to be removed quickly and then snapped securely off to the side so they don't get wet, dirty or lost.This specific Stay-On-Case is designed for use with Swarovski Optik's 85 Objective Module.
    Brand: Swarovski Optik, Model: SI499

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