Swanson CPLRED Black Replacement Lead Cartridges for AlwaysSharp Carpenter Pencil - 24 count

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  • Economical. Works with any Swanson mecanical pencil. There are 24 replacemet tips included with a recloseable package that stores neatly in any toolbox, job site, craft bin - even your glove box. The lead will also last 5-times longer since there is no waste due to sharpening
  • Reliable. The Always Sharp refillable carpenter pencils replacement tips are engineered so your Always Sharp pencil never has to be sharpened. It's ready immediately, when you need it.
  • Vibrant. This bright paint color stands out when used on any carpentry, plumbing or similar DIY project
  • Durable. Easy to use when marking block or stone, espeically if you're cutting with a saw. The thick lead mark doesn't blow off like powder, making your work better and more efficient.
  • Consistent. You can count on bold and consistent marks and lines every time. Eventually the tip runs out, but it's an easy 2-step process to simply pull out that spent tip and push it into the back of your Always Sharp pencil in order to push up a fresh, perfectly sharpened point. Back to work in seconds.

  • Swanson Tool Company's Mechanical Carpenter Pencil Replacement tips are designed to work with our Swanson Always Sharp refillable carpenter pencils. Designed to replace traditional carpenter pencils on every job site, these replacement tips make short work of any big task. No more searching for a sharpener, no more lost time with a job or project because you don't have a marking tool. No down time while you hunt for a replacement for a pencil that someone else broke. The Always Sharp pencil replacement tips allow carpenters to make crisp, sharp lines every time. Just as tough and rugged as the mechanical pencil they work with, these replacement tips are designed efficiently. They don't jam just beacuse you're working around saw dust, dirt and grime. They're thicker than traditional #2 pencil lead and last longer as a result. Available in black or red or blue, Swanson replacement tips are ready to go to work right out of the box
    Brand: SWANSON, Model: CPLRED, Color: Red

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