Survivorman: Season 3

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  • Factory sealed DVD

  • Would you know what to do if you were stranded and left to survive without food or shelter in some of the world's harshest environments Les "Survivorman" Stroud is determined to find out as he embarks on the final season of this thrilling series. Armed with little more than a harmonica and a wry sense of humor, Les uses skills, bravery and ingenuity to tackle seemingly impossible situations.

    Sierra Nevada: The rugged Sierra Nevada is a hiker's dream. The problem is that it's very easy to get lost and succumb to the perils of the environment. See what "Survivorman" Les Stroud does when he finds himself in this predicament.

    Colorado Rockies: The Colorado Rockies is one of the most magnificent mountain ranges in America. And one of the most treacherous. With two horses and his usual 50 pounds of camera gear, Les must learn how to gather food and water while navigating the precarious precipice.

    Arctic Tundra: Stranded on northern Baffin Island in a ruggedly beautiful yet unforgiving land where the summer sun doesn't set for days on end, Les learns some particularly harsh lessons in solo arctic survival.

    Deep Woods: Millions of hunters embrace their primal nature every year as they trek into the woods in search of wild game. It can be an exhilarating experience, but it also can be very dangerous. Les discovers just how wrong a hunting trip can go.

    Australian Outback: Les gets stranded in the remote Australian Outback when his ultralight airplane runs out of fuel. Alone on an endless expense of sun-burnt grasses, Les must get creative if he is going to survive.

    Papua New Guinea: "Survivorman" is dropped off in the overgrown jungles of Papua New Guinea. Though food appears to be plentiful, surviving for a week is going to be an exhausting adventure for Les. Stills from Survivorman: Season Three (Click for larger image)

    Brand: SURVIVORMAN, Model: 5069693

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