Super Wings - Transforming Bello Toy Figure | Plane | Bot | 5” Scale

Super Wings
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Brand Super Wings
Model US710270

  • Bello is a free-thinking nature expert. He can communicate with all kinds of animals and likes to solve problems using fun and games that the animals can participate in.
  • Bello transforms from toy airplane to bot in just 10 easy steps!
  • Collect all of your favorite Super Wings team heroes for new adventures around the world! 28 to collect: Jett, Dizzy, Donnie, Paul, Astra, Mira, Agent Chace, Jerome, Flip, Todd, Bello, Grand Albert, X-ray Jett, X-ray Dizzy, and X-ray Jerome and more (each sold separately).
  • 5" Transforming Bello toy is made for preschool Super Wings fans ages 3.
  • No batteries required.
  • Join Jett and his loveable transforming friends, the Super Wings, as they travel the globe to deliver packages, solve problems and help boys and girls around the world on the hit preschool show.Every delivery is a unique adventure filled with new cultures, languages and new friends!
  • Super Wings is a high-flying preschool series that takes geography to new heights!
  • Includes one 5" transforming Bello figure toy.

  • “I know all the animal talk, from bark to roar to grunt to squawk.” Bello is a free-thinking nature expert. He can communicate with all kinds of animals and likes to solve problems using fun and games that the animals can participate in on the hit preschool Super Wings show. In plane mode, Bello rolls on real working wheels and transforms into a poseable toy robot in 10 easy steps. The challenge is fun for kids of all ages. Watch as they master the transformation and reenact their favorite missions from the popular preschool TV show — including when Bello used his propeller to help untangle Jett from the jungle vines in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Or when Bello helped to reunite the wildebeest herd with the baby wildebeest in Kenya using a game of green light, red light! — Or create their own new rescue adventures with their imagination! The Super Wings team is ready to take on any job – big or small – whether it involves navigating the rocky boulders of a volcano, delivering a tracker or helping to chase and capture a loose pack of pups, the Super Wings are always on patrol. With the help of Sky from the World Airport Tower, the team is always on the lookout for kids in need of help. As vehicles or robots, the team is always ready to transform and use teamwork on any mission to rescue, help and teach kids that there is a solution for everything. Together with his other Super Wings friends, Bello is always ready to help new and old friends. Collect the entire line of Super Wings team members (sold separately)! Choose from Jett, Dizzy, Donnie, Paul, Astra, Agent Chace and many more, each transforming into a completely unique vehicle from plane to helicopter or truck. SUPER WINGS, WE DELIVER!

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