Super Lube 31110 Aerosols, Multi-Purpose, 11 oz

Super Lube
In Stock


Brand Super Lube
Model 31110
Color Clear
Size 11 oz.

  • Food grade, USDA authorized/NSF listed H-1
  • Clean, odorless
  • Will not stain or harm wood, rubber, leather, plastics, fabrics and paint
  • Water and saltwater resistant
  • High dielectric strength

  • Super Lube Multi-Purpose Aerosol Super Lube Aerosol with Syncolon (PTFE) is a multi-purpose lubricant, consisting of Super Lube Grease in a solvent carrier, that cleans and penetrates the components to be lubricated, then the solvent evaporates leaving behind a film of synthetic grease which provides long lasting lubricant protection. Super Lube Aerosol with Syncolon (PTFE) is USDA/NSF listed, rated H-1 for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants.

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