1200 Lumens; 180 LED triple head solar motion activated light
Three lamp heads allow for maximum lighting coverage; Illuminates downwards, horizontally, or upwards
The solar panel charges the included batteries during the day and the motion light operates at night
Weather-resistant; Includes 3 AA rechargeable batteries
Adjustable motion sensor with 180 degree detection zone over 30 feet
Use the power of the sun to light dark areas and add extra security with the Sunforce 180 LED Solar Motion Security Light with three adjustable heads. This light automatically turns on when motion is detected, making it the perfect solar security solution. Provide lighting and security to your garage, pathway, shed or remote cottage anywhere, anytime. Use the power of the sun to light dark areas and add extra security with the Sunforce 180 LED Solar Motion Security Light. Enjoy peace of mind with a detection distance of 30 feet, and a detection range of 180 degrees. It's powerful security coverage for nearly all driveways, porches, decks, sheds, and more. Brand: Sunforce, Model: Others, Color: White, Size: 1200 lumens
Custom Tab 01
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