Sun Joe SJFP35-STN Cast Stone Fire Pit, 35-Inch

Sun Joe
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  • Ideal outdoor centerpiece for warmth and enjoyment
  • Durable cast stone base adds a sophisticated touch to any outdoor décor
  • Large 29 in. (73.8 cm) fire bowl accommodates hardwood logs up to 21.5 in. (54.6 cm) long
  • Mosquito-safe tip: add sage, Lemon balm, or Citronella leaves to your fire pit to help repel mosquitos
  • No wood burning fire pits should be used on a wood deck

  • CHILL OUT! Linger a little longer around the fire while family and friends alike bask in the warmth and glow of the Sun Joe Fire Joe 35-inch cast stone fire pit (model SJFP35-RW-STN). Keep the chill in check in style and comfort, season after season. Fire Joe is an ideal outdoor centerpiece, wherever warmth is needed - from the patio, to poolside, to the deck or dock. Featuring a large 29-inch fire bowl that is heat-resistant to 1,112 Degree, the Sun Joe Fire Joe can accommodate hardwood logs up to 21.5-Inch long. The 24-inch screen hook does double duty as both a log tender and for removing the mesh screen, all while maintaining a safe distance from the flames. Boasting a durable and visually appealing cast stone base, Fire Joe adds a sophisticated touch to any outdoor decor. A wood grid facilitates circulation and improved airflow to feed the flames, while the screen guards against escaping sparks. You'll run out of spooky stories and s'mores long before you run out of reasons to fire up this cozy family favorite! The SJFP35-RW-STN comes with a full two-year warranty. No wood burning fire pits should be used on a wood deck
    Brand: Sun Joe, Model: SJFP35-STN, Color: Cast Stone, Size: 35 Inches

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