Sun Bulb Company 8305 Better Gro Orchid Plus Bloom Booster Fertilizer, 16-Ounce

Sun Bulb
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  • Orchid plus bloom booster fertilizer
  • Its contains a high content of phosphorus and is used to encourage flowering, enhance bloom color and maximize bloom size
  • Provides the precise mix of ingredients and nutrients your orchids need to produce beautiful, vibrant and long lasting blooms.
  • No urea nitrogren
  • Professionally formulated fertilizer

  • Better gro orchid bloom booster is a urea-free, professionally formulated fertilizer, containing high content phosphorousa powerful blooming agent. This secret formula was developed by our own master growers and is used in our greenhouses to accelerate flowering, enhance bloom color and maximize bloom size. It provides the precise mix of ingredients and nutrients your orchids need to produce beautiful, vibrant and long lasting blooms. Use this fertilizer at every 4th watering. Use one teaspoon per gallon of water, thoroughly soaking both the orchids root system and foliage. For normal fertilization of your orchids, use this fertilizer as directed. This product weight 16 ounces.
    Brand: Sun Bulb, Model: 8305, Size: 16-Ounce

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