See All SUC-1212F Standard Square Flat Inspection Security Mirror with Wheel, 12" Length x 12" Width

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Brand SeeAll
Model SUC-1212F
Size 12 inches by 12 inches

  • These sturdy mirrors make it easy to inspect underneath equipment, look under tanks, machinery and vehicles without getting down on the ground
  • Flat mirror gives a more precise view and accurate depth perception
  • Standard model is for light duty and used for indoor purposes
  • Handles adjusts from 30" to 50"
  • Wheels add effortless maneuvering

  • See-All inspection mirrors are excellent tools for searching under vehicles, machines and storage tanks. They simplify sweep searches underneath seats, counters, and other storage spaces. This becomes a necessity when searching for possible weapons, explosives, narcotics or other contraband. Easily safeguard stadiums, churches, auditoriums, airports, planes, movie theaters, offices, nightclubs, train stations and restaurants. The handy ergonomic mirror is easy to hold and use effectively. It hangs from your hand at the perfect angle, counterbalanced for long term use, with little or no fatigue. Protect the entrances to all secured areas by using See-All portable inspection mirrors. It is imperative to check under vehicles going into secured areas, such as military posts and government buildings. Whether they are used with a bomb squad, a drug search unit, or at a customs checkpoint, our mirrors do the job to help reveal contraband.

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