Stylophone Retro Pocket Synth

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  • Miniature stylus operated synthesizer is a recreation of the 1967 classic
  • Choose from three different retro organ sounds, Optional vibrato effect
  • Tuning knob on bottom allows you tune the Stylophone or do pitch-bend effects
  • Built in speaker with volume control, Optional headphone jack
  • Input for MP3 player mixes your music with the Stylophone and outputs everything through the built-in speaker

  • The Stylophone is a miniature stylus operated synthesizer invented in 1968 and used by such iconic musicians as David Bowie, Kraftwerk and Erasure. It features a metal keyboard played by touching it with a stylus. That's right, over four decades ago with computers the size of a gymnasium and nary a PDA in sight the Stylophone was a portable electronic music instrument with stylus based control. This exact recreation of the original sounds the same as it did in the 60s. Simply remove the pen and tap any key for classic synth sounds. There is a switch to add vibrato and you can choose from one of three different retro organ type sounds. The tuning knob on the bottom allows for some pitch-bend effects if you must. The Stylophone is one of the simplest electronic instruments you will find, but it's minimal style is a big part of its charm. Requires 3 AA batteries (not included)
    Brand: Dubreq, Model: DU05151

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