StrongArm 4528Jeep Grand Cherokee Glass Lift Support 1999-03, Pack of 1

Strong Arm
In Stock


Brand Strong Arm
Model 4528
Color black and chrome

  • Exact fit, OE quality design ensures easy installation and precise operation
  • No special installation tools required
  • Rubber O-Ring piston seal forces the fluid efficiently through the valving components providing consistent performance
  • Patented Multi-Lobe Seal makes gas springs more tolerant to vibration and temperature extremes
  • Individually tested for performance and reliability

  • StrongArm gas charged lift supports are custom engineered and manufactured beyond industry standards to provide smooth operation and durability. The hardened chromium plated steel shaft is precision ground and polished for superior corrosion resistance and leak free sealing. The self cleaning piston assembly automatically opens during each compression cycle to keep the orifice clear of fluid contaminants and provide smoother operation and reliable performance. Most units also utilize StrongArm's patented temperature compensation module valve which ensures consistent operation even in extreme weather conditions. It does so by compensating for normal gas pressure changes caused by temperature variations. The metallic upper bushing is manufactured with bearing quality precision to provide exact fit with pistion rod and promote a long operating life.

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