Storm Chasers Season 2

Discovery - Gaiam
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  • Factory sealed DVD

  • Gear up for another exciting season of storm chasing! Venture with an intrepid group of scientists, filmmakers and adventurers as they hunt down devastating tornadoes to capture amazing IMAX footage and valuable scientific data in America's "Tornado Alley". Follow this diverse group as they embark on another grueling season of storm chasing. Tornado Intercept Tank With a record-breaking tornado season already underway, watch Josh and Sean race to get the new DOW6 and the bigger Tornado Intercept Vehicle, TIV2, on the road. Once out the gate, it's the SCOUT team that faces the first big challenge - a dangerous night chase. When Parts Fly Both the TIV2 and new DOW torment their crews with mechanical problems. Follow Aaron and Danny in the SCOUT as they head out on their own only to get clobbered by a massive storm. Meanwhile, Reed and the TVN crew chase down a monster as it bears down on the town of Lamesa, Texas. Mutiny on the Plains Missed sightings and vehicle problems heat up the contest of wills between Sean and Josh. Reed and his fast-moving crew make a brief rendezvous with Sean, sparking a little envy from the TIV and a brief mutiny. Meanwhile, Reed chases a risky night-time tornado into the dangerous hills of Arkansas, while Sean and Josh return to Greensburg, Kansas one-year after an EF-5 nearly wiped that town off the map. Nightmare on Dow Street Halfway into the season, TIV1 returns to action, and the whole team heads toward Oklahoma and then into Arkansas. Watch monster hail storms batter the fleet, while the vehicles forge ahead as tornadoes start touching down all across the Great Plains. Road Hazards The DOW team is in chaos after a broken radar sends Josh scrambling to fix it. Meanwhile, Reed jumps on the opportunity to scoop the science team once again, while Danny and Aaron struggle to escape a ditch before a tornado closes in on them. No Place Like Kansas With the DOW and all the chase vehicles up and running again, the team finds themselves hunting in the same territory as the rival TVN crew. Marvel as tornadoes are forming all over western Kansas on what looks like the biggest day of the season. Hail to the Beast Reed and Josh's teams struggle to find the perfect storm in Nebraska. Meanwhile, Reed's girlfriend Jene gets lost in a deadly hailstorm, while the DOW fleet mistakenly drives into an oncoming tornado. Tornado Showdown As the tornado season comes to a close, Sean has one last chance to get the shot of all shots from inside a tornado. Meanwhile, Reed pushes his team to the edge - getting closer to a twister than ever before.
    Brand: Discovery - Gaiam

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