Stoneman Sports SpareHand Dual Angle Double SUP/Paddleboard Wall Mount Rack

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Brand Stoneman
Model PS-42L
Color Black

  • Includes all necessary hardware required to mount kayaks
  • Wall mount has ed Coating inside and outside for rust resistance
  • Able to use indoors and outdoors
  • Includes a Removable arm
  • Includes a one year warranty

  • The stoneman sports PS-42L spare hand dual angle double SUP/paddleboard wall mount rack is an excellent way to store your kayaks on the wall! whether that's in the garage or in a storage shed, the dual angle single SUP/paddleboard wall mount rack will reliably hold your kayak in a stable position until you need your boat. From tools to Hardware, this product comes with everything you could possibly need to store your kayaks. Installation and assembly is easy! you will never again have to worry about people tripping over your boat, or even worse, damaging your gear. This product includes a one year warranty. Stoneman sports is dedicated to innovation and simplicity, and specializes in high-quality lifestyle and sports products. Their expansive product offering includes bike racks, kayak carriers, grilling accessories, and much more. Stoneman sports provides some of the most durable sports accessories at competitive prices, and has great ideas for real-life applications.

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