Stiletto TBM14RSS 14-Ounce TiBone Replaceable Mini Smooth Face Hammer with Straight 16-Inch Titanium Handle

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  • Steel replaceable face available in Milled or Smooth Face
  • Side nail puller
  • Magnetic nail starter
  • Stronger prying power than Steel

  • This titanium hammer is a precision nail-driving tool. The 14oz titanium head with steel smooth face drives like a 24oz steel hammer. It is extremely durable and the molded grip offers great comfort and greater control. The Titanium hammer heads have ten times less recoil shock than steel which reducing the risk stress related injuries. It has a patented side nail puller that will ease 16 penny nail out with one 180 degree motion. The steel nose piece is removable for to allow the user to replace the face within few minutes. It also features a convenient magnetic nail starter. The handle of this hammer is straight.
    Brand: Stiletto, Model: TBM14RSS, Color: Silver

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