Steve Jackson Games Munchkin 6: Demented Dungeons

Steve Jackson Games
SKU: EZF1556347782
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  • Munchkin 6 Demented Dungeons is an expansion for the classic Munchkin set
  • Demented Dungeons introduces a new twist on Munchkin. Now you can enter the Dungeon of Elvish Excess
  • Or take a Portal to the Dungeon of Manga Wrangling, where tentacles are even more dangerous.
  • Or power up in the Dungeon of Unexpected Epicness - although it's hardly "unexpected," given the nam
  • Each of the 20 double-sized Dungeon cards adds a new rule that affects the entire party, and maybe t

  • SJG1457 Munchkin 6 Demented Dungeons Card Game by Steve Jackson Games Munchkin 6 Demented Dungeons Card Game by Steve Jackson Games Now Its Really A Dungeon Crawl! Munchkin is about kicking down Doors, killing Monsters, and stealing their Treasure. But where are the dank walls of the subterranean labyrinth where our heroes engage in their murderous exploits Demented Dungeons introduces a new twist on Munchkin. Now you can enter the Dungeon of Elvish Excess, where everyone is an Elf. Or take a Portal to the Dungeon of Manga Wrangling, where tentacles are even more dangerous. Or power up in the Dungeon of Unexpected Epicness - although its hardly unexpected, given the name. Or all of them at once! Each of the 20 double-sized Dungeon cards adds a new rule that affects the entire party, and maybe the monsters too! Use the 16 Portal cards to jump from one Dungeon to the next in your search for gold and glory. Munchkin 6 Demented Dungeons is an expansion for the classic Munchkin set, and was designed by Steve Jackson and illustrated by John Kovalic.
    Brand: Steve Jackson Games, Model: 1457

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