Stephan Baby Keepsake Cutwork Handkerchief Christening Bonnet with Scalloped Hem, White

Stephan Baby
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Brand Stephan Baby
Model 402016
Color White
Size 0-12 Months

  • Sweet and sentimental Stephan Baby handkerchief christening bonnet
  • Beautiful scallop edged bonnet features intricate cutwork embroidery, a cutwork cross and satin ribbon embellishments
  • Gift boxed bonnet includes a poem card explaining the tradition; simply snip a few threads and the bonnet becomes a handkerchief to be carried by the bride on her wedding day
  • Keepsake bonnet is 60% linen and 40% cotton; machine wash warm; tumble dry low or air dry; do not bleach
  • Since 1987, Stephan Baby has been creating unique and heartwarming gifts for little ones

  • The tradition of a baby girl wearing a bonnet made from a handkerchief on her christening day is timeless. Stephan Baby's keepsake handkerchief christening bonnet is fashioned from snowy white linen and cotton, exquisitely detailed with delicate cutwork embroidery and embellished with pretty satin ribbons and bows. The bonnet is beautifully presented in a window gift box and includes a lovely poem card that explains the tradition. And, when her future wedding day arrives, a snip of a few threads will transform the bonnet into a cherished trousseau handkerchief to be used on her wedding day. Since 1987, Stephan Baby has been dedicated to fine quality, unique and heartwarming gifts that celebrate the magic of baby's first year. The Stephan Baby family invites you to discover their inspired collections of blankets, gift sets, charming apparel and accessories, beautiful keepsakes and oh so huggable plush animals, available on amazon. All Stephan Baby products are cpsia tested and approved.

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