STEELMASTER Dupli-Key Two-Tag Cabinet for 240 Keys, 16.5 x 20.5 x 5 Inches, Sand (201824003)

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  • Locking key cabinet holds up to 240 keys
  • Dupli-Key system utilizes two different set of numbered key tags to make managing keys as efficient as possible
  • Attach your master key to the red octagonal shaped self-locking key tags to make sure it doesn't get loaned out
  • Full piano-length hinge allows users to fully view all keys
  • Available in a sand color and measures 16.5 x 20.5 x 5 Inches in size

  • The STEELMASTER Dupli-Key Two-Tag Cabinets are perfect for truck fleets, management facilities, storage facilities, and truck and auto rental companies. The STEELMASTER Dupli-Key System utilizes two different sets of numbered key tags to make managing keys as efficient as possible. Simply attach your master key to the red octagonal shaped self-locking key tags; this will ensure that your master original key is never loaned. Fasten the duplicate loaner key to the white oval snap hook key rings and file on the same hook with the master key. When a loaner key is issued, insert a Receipt Slip with recipient's name and date into a brass key holder and hang with the master key, log all information in the key loan register to keep a written record. The key cabinet's full piano-length hinge allow users to open the cabinet fully and view all keys. A disc tumbler lock with 2 included keys is standard and secures the cabinet which has pre-drilled holes and mounting hardware make for easy installation. Behind the STEELMASTER name stands 70 plus years of metal fabrication experience. Serving the retail, specialty, hospitality, and banking Industries, STEELMASTER products are built to perform and made to last. Each STEELMASTER product is constructed of sturdy, heavy gauge material that is designed to stand up to daily use.
    Brand: STEELMASTER, Model: 201824003, Color: Sand

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