SteelMaster 263F4616DBLA Drawer Card Cabinet Holds 3,000 4 x 6 cards, 14 1/2 x 16 x 6 1/4

Major Metalfab Co.
Out Of Stock


  • Side by side drawers that hold 1,500 cards each, for a total capacity of 3,000 cards
  • Fits 4 x 6 Inch index cards, total drawer exterior dimensions of 14.44 x 6.19 x 16 Inches
  • Label holder on the front of each drawer can be used for content identification
  • Sturdy pull handles make for easy opening and closing

  • STEELMASTER Double Card File Drawers are side x side drawers that hold up to 1,500 index cards each for a total capacity of 3,000 cards. They are available to accommodate the most popular index card sizes. A label holder on the front of each drawer can be used for content identification and sturdy pull handles make for easy opening and closing. STEELMASTER Double Card File Drawers are coated in black with a scratch and chip-resistant powder finish. Rubberized, non-mar feet keep the cabinet from slipping even if the drawers are stacked. A follower block and compressor lock keep cards upright no matter the number of cards. Behind the STEELMASTER name stands 70 plus years of metal fabrication experience. Serving the retail, specialty, hospitality, and banking Industries, STEELMASTER products are built to perform and made to last. Each STEELMASTER product is constructed of sturdy, heavy gauge material that is designed to stand up to daily use.
    Brand: Major Metalfab Co., Model: 263F4616DBLA, Color: Black, Size: 3 X 5

    Custom Tab 01

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