Steamfast SF-407 Fabric Steamer

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  • 1500-watt fabric steamer with 40-ounce capacity removable water tank
  • Heats up in 45 seconds and provides up to 45 minutes of continuous steam
  • Water fill method- removable water reservoir, water capacity 40 ounces / 1180 ml (1380 ml full)
  • More effective and gentler on fabrics than ironing for all-natural garment care, removes wrinkles and odors from clothes, linens, curtains, upholstery and more
  • Includes telescopic pole, attachable fabric brush and clothes hook

  • The Steamfast SF-407 Fabric Steamer is the effective, reliable steamer that belongs in every laundry room. Its 40-ounce removable water tank provides up to 45 minutes of steam time and is ready to use in 45 seconds for quick touch-ups. Hot steam penetrates deep into fabrics and relaxes fibers, releasing wrinkles faster than ironing and freshening clothes in seconds. The SF-407 is gentle on your most delicate fabrics, yet works equally well on drapes, upholstery and other heavier materials. Strong steam not only freshens fabrics and releases wrinkles, but reduces dust mite allergens, kills germs and bed bugs as well. Less expensive and much safer than dry cleaning, the SF-407 requires no chemicals, making it safe for use around your family and pets. Backed by a 1-year warranty.
    Brand: Steamfast, Model: SF-407, Color: White

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