Starrett 93D T-Handle Tap Wrench, 1/16" - 3/16" Tap Size, 1/16" - 5/32" Square Shank Diameter, 6" Body Length

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  • Starrett no. 93 T-handle tap wrench is for holding taps, drills, reamers and other small tools to be turned by hand, it is properly heat treated to withstand ordinary shop use
  • The body is centered, enabling the worker to use it on lathe centers or on an upright drilling machine to start the tap straight
  • The jaws conform to the tool being held, making it rigid and less apt to loosen
  • Wrench have a sliding handle that is frictionally held, the handle to be removed entirely or positioned so that leverage can be applied when working in close quarters
  • It is identical in construction

  • These longer tap wrench is very handy in machine, automobile service and aviation repair shops because they eliminate the need for stocking special long taps for depths which cannot be reached with shorter wrenches. These tools are designed to hold square shanks. Round shanks can be gripped, but care must be used. Excessive tightening may break the binding nut.
    Brand: Starrett, Model: 93D

    Custom Tab 01

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