Star Wars Latex BalloonsPackage of 12

Party Supplies
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  • 11" Star Wars Latex BalloonsPackage of 12

  • The balloons are as pictured. All the balloons are double sided, the same picture is on the front and back.All my balloons are BRAND NEW deluxe helium quality from the manufacturer. My balloons are not filled, you can fill at your local grocery store, discount store, or florist, or rent a helium tank from your local party store or welding company. You can also air fill it and tape to the wall or attach balloon sticks. If using air, insert a straw carefully into the self sealing opening and blow, then remove and it will seal. Please note that mylar will last about 1-2 weeks, latex will only last about 8-24 hours, so best to inflate those just prior to your party, although actual float time varies. Just be sure to use the correct inflator. A black nozzle tip will be used for latex balloons, and a gold narrow tip should be used for mylar balloons. If you use a larger latex black inflation nozzle on helium balloons, you risk over inflation of the balloon and harming the self sealing properties and this may cause early deflation.
    Brand: Party Supplies, Color: MULTICOLORED

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