Chemically designed to remove rust and oxidation without harming the original metal
Converts rust to stable, solid form
Makes excellent base coat for painting metal
Special buffering process makes this acid product safe to use
Chemically designed to remove rust and oxidation without harming the original metal. Directions: Surface must be free of oil, grease, loose rust and flaking paint. Use degreaser and light sanding or wire brushing to prepare surface if these conditions are present. Coat surface with Rust Eater by spraying, brushing or dipping. For best results, use at temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit or 21º C. If surface is going to be painted, allow treated surface to dry thoroughly for 2 hours, then apply oil based, urethane or epoxy paint. If the treated area will not be painted afterward, apply directly to surface and allow it to work for 1-2 minutes before rinsing treated area with fresh water. Towel dry surface and apply an appropriate protective oil. If a sprayer is used, pump clean water through for about 1 minute before storing. Brand: Star Brite, Model: 092322, Size: 22 oz.
Custom Tab 01
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