ST Suspensions 51310 Rear Anti-Sway Bar for VW Golf VII

ST Suspensions
In Stock


Brand ST Suspensions
Model 51310

  • No component has as drastic effect on your body roll as the Anti-Sway bars without adversely affecting your ride quality
  • To the average enthusiast, the installation of a ST Anti-Sway bar will result in a drastic reduction in the boat-like feel that many vehicles have with the factory or even mildly tuned suspension
  • By increasing the rate of the front, rear or both bars over the factory units, the ST Anti-Sway bars, your body roll will be reduced giving you more confidence on long sweeping corners, on and off ramps, as well as in emergency maneuvers
  • Each ST Anti-Sway bar is designed and produced in-house at our California facility and are constructed from high quality steel for precision performance, and powder coated for durability
  • All necessary high grade mounting hardware and bushings, as well as full instructions are included in each and every kit for simple installation

  • When tuning your vehicles suspension, there are many ways to change your vehicles handling characteristics. Springs, Dampers and alignment all play huge parts in affecting how your vehicle handles, but no component has as drastic effect on your body roll as the Anti-Sway bars without adversely affecting your ride quality. To the average enthusiast, the installation of a ST Anti-Sway bar or Suspension Techniques Anti-Sway bar Complete Kit will result in a drastic reduction in the boat-like feel that many vehicles have with the factory or even mildly tuned suspension. By increasing the rate of the front, rear or both bars over the factory units, the ST Anti-Sway bars, your body roll will be reduced giving you more confidence on long sweeping corners, on and off ramps, as well as in emergency maneuvers. For the Advanced Suspension Tuner, many ST Anti-Sway bars are built with additional adjustability either in the bar itself with multiple end link mounting points, or adjustable heim joint end links to tune in or out any undesirable handling characteristics of your current suspension setup such as over-steer or under-steer. ST Anti-Sway bars available for the front and rear separately or in complete vehicle kits for a large range of vehicles. Each ST Anti-Sway bar is designed and produced in-house at our California facility and are constructed from high quality steel for precision performance, and powder coated for durability. All necessary high grade mounting hardware and bushings, as well as full instructions are included in each and every kit for simple installation.

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