Square D by Schneider Electric QO1DM10030TRBR 30-Amp Generator Main Breaker Outdoor Manual Transfer Switch with 30-Amp Twist-lock Receptacle

Square D by Schneider Electric
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  • Use to connect to a standby power source to as many as 8 circuits
  • Changes from utility power to a standby source with the flip of 2 QO main circuit breakers
  • Includes a 30 Amp 4-Watt L14-30P twist-lock receptacle in the bottom end wall for direct connection from a generator cord supply
  • Single phase, 120/240 VAC, for outdoor use
  • Mechanical interlock helps ensure that only 1 main circuit breaker is in the on position at any time

  • The Square D by Schneider Electric QO 30/100 Amp 4-Space 8-Circuit Temporary Transfer Generator Panel helps you change from utility power to a standby source with the flip of 2 QO main circuit breakers. The panel is intended for outdoor use to connect to a standby power source for as many as 8 circuits. The ANSI-certified and UL-listed unit features a mechanical interlock to help ensure that only 1 main circuit breaker is in the on position at any time.
    Brand: Square D by Schneider Electric, Model: QO1DM10030TRBR

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