Square D by Schneider Electric 9007AW32 Limit Switch with Roller Plunger, Standard Box, 1 NO 1 NC, 600 VAC, 15 Amp

Square D by Schneider Electric
Out Of Stock


  • Limit Switch - NEMA
  • Limit switch for making and breaking an electrical connection
  • Electromechanical detection of presence/absence, passing, positioning, and end of travel
  • Operating temperature range from 0 to 185 degrees C

  • This Square D 9007AW32 heavy duty limit switch has a metal enclosure and a roller plunger. It is made of cast zinc for resistance to corrosion and has a one-direction programmable lateral approach. It has one normally open (NO) and one normally closed (NC) snap-action contact and one entry tapped for a 1/2"-14 National Pipe Taper (NPT) cable connection. The steel spring-return roller plunger has micrometer adjustment. It has an operating temperature range from 0 to 185 degrees C and meets the Ingress Protection (IP) 65 standard for protection against dirt, dust, and water. This switch has National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) protection ratings of 1, 2, 4, 12, and 13.
    Brand: Square D by Schneider Electric, Model: 9007AW32

    Custom Tab 01

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