Includes one Spray Pal Cloth Diaper sprayer and one Spray Pal splatter shield. Spray your cloth diapers quickly and easily without a huge mess to clean up after!
Spray Pal makes spraying cloth diapers easier than ever and it folds flat to store easily in a wetbag or tucked behind your toilet. Made of a very easy to clean material that is BPA, phthalate and PVC free! We've made sure your Spray Pal is made of the highest quality materials so that you can use it for multiple kids in diapers and beyond! Can be repurposed for potty training, spraying off soiled clothing from sports, cake smash pictures, stomach bugs and so much more.
This is the perfect cloth diapering accessory combo for when you're getting ready to start feeding your baby solid foods. Saves you time and money on cleaning supplies and disposable liners. Just spray the diaper off, spray the inside of the splatter shield, close the shield doors and squeeze/bend to remove excess water, then unclip the diaper into your laundry bag.
Makes the perfect baby shower gift for any mama planning on using cloth diapers. Takes the extra time/ICK factor out of cloth diapering so families can stick with it longer.
Lifetime warranty on both products with original purchase information. We stand by the quality of our brand and we truly appreciate your support!
The perfect gift for any cloth diapering family! Includes a Spray Pal cloth diaper sprayer to help make cleaning diapers EASY and the Spray Pal splatter shield to make it mess-free and hands-free! We're on a mission to #makeclothmainstream and make sticking with cloth diapers easy for every family! Brand: Spray Pal, Size: Small
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