SportRack SR4883 Upshift Roof Mount Upright Bike Carrier

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Brand SportRack
Model SR4883
Color Black

  • Wheel tray holds bike securely during transit
  • Adjustable arm holds the down tube of the bike for greater stability
  • Lock included to secure the bike to the carrier
  • Fits on SportRack Roof Rack Systems, square, round and most factory roof racks
  • Please check the fit for your vehicle in the fit guide located in the Product Details area.

  • The SportRack SR4883 Upshift Roof Mount Bike Carrier is an affordable bike transport solution that allows users to haul their bike atop their roof rack without having to remove its front tire. Designed for a single bike, it provides maximum stability and protection through a variety of features, including: an adjustable upright support element with an ergonomic locking knob, universal mounting hardware, an adjustable wheel tray and locking functionality, tool-free installation, and a premium black finish.

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