SpillTech WB510SN Polypropylene Oil-Only Sock/Net Boom, 5" Diameter x 10' Length, Bright White (Pack of 4)

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  • Use sock/net booms to absorb and contain oil
  • Absorbs oily liquids - repels water
  • Durable, easy-to-use connectors
  • Bright white color makes it easy to see when boom is completely saturated
  • Measures 5-inches diameter by 10-feet length

  • SpillTech polypropylene oil-only sock/net boom. Take control of outdoor spill response with oil-only booms. Use sock/net booms to absorb and contain oil: strong mesh outer sleeve encases a poly sock skin filled with highly-sorbent polypropylene. Filler won't shed and booms won't sink, even when saturated with oil. Absorbs oily liquids - repels water: polypropylene filler is left in its natural hydrophobic state - repels water (and floats) while only absorbing oils and other hydrocarbons. Tough construction: a nylon rope and sturdy hardware ensure long-lasting durability and easy retrieval. Create customized sizes: durable, easy-to-use connectors provide a simple and efficient way to link sock/net booms together and create a containment system big enough to handle almost any size spill on water. Clip together with metal connector hardware. Bright white color makes it easy to see when boom is completely saturated: oil can't hide on bright white sock/net. Makes it easy to see when it's fully saturated - you save money by not throwing it away too soon. Composition: polypropylene filler/polyester netting/metal hardware. Measures 5-inches diameter by 10-feet length.
    Brand: SpillTech, Model: WB510SN, Color: Bright White

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