Spellbinders S4-314 Nestabilities Lacey Ovals Dies

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  • Use as a single, or nest to created elegant frames
  • Cut, emboss and stencil perfect shapes
  • Set of 5
  • Approximate die template sizes: 7/8-inch by 1-inch, 11/4-inch by 15/8-inch, 17/8-inch by 23/8-inch, 21/2-inch by 31/4-inch, 31/2-inch by 41/4-inch

  • Coordinating with Classic Ovals, these Decorative Elements Nestabilities feature a scalloped edge with a half circle cut out of each scallop on the three largest die templates in the set. The two smallest die templates emboss the individual scallops. Use as a single, or nest to created elegant frames, the Lacey Ovals will add a touch of class to cards, scrapbook pages and altered art. Spellbinders Decorative Elements Nestabilities cut, emboss and stencil with a single die template.
    Brand: Spellbinders, Model: S4-314, Color: metal

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