Wausau Specialty Cover Stock, 65 Lb, 8 1/2 x 11-Inches, Astroparche Natural, 250 Sheets (26428)

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Brand Neenah
Model 26428
Color Natural
Size 8 1/2 x 11

  • Ideal for documents suitable for framing, invitations, certificates, card making and more
  • Light tactile finish that is inkjet, laser and copier guaranteed
  • Acid-free and lignin-free, contains 30% post-consumer recycled content
  • Tough enough to withstand the wear and tear of frequent use
  • FSC certified for the mark of responsible forestry

  • There is nothing old-fashioned about excellence. The subtle color palette and antique parchment finish of our Astroparche brand make it an ideal choice for projects that demand a refined, classic paper or cardstock. Astroparche products come in a couple of beautiful colors, so you are guaranteed eye-catching posters, announcements and letterhead. Heavier, thicker stocks with extra durability and strength, for covers, signs, table tents, etc. Acid and lingin free for great quality that doesn't deteriorate and inkjet and laser guaranteed.

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