Cube bags hold 25-percent more than same size flat bags
Designed to stand upright for easy packing for clothing or bedding.
Volume can be reduced by up to 75% to triple your storage space, depending on the items placed in the bag. Filled comforters and jackets will compress more than blankets and sweaters.
Airtight, waterproof, & reusable.
It protects items from moisture, mildew, insects, odors, and allergens . Vacuum-sealing drastically reduces the effects of oxidation and retards growth of mildew specifically.
25% More capacity than Flat bags.
Ziploc Space Bag Cube Bags are the ideal storage solution for bulky items like bedding and garments. The Cube vacuum seal bag design enables the bag to stand upright for easy packing. When storage is this easy and efficient, you'll be surprised by what fits in your closet! Brand: Space Bag, Model: BRS-86112-6, Color: Clear, Size: Large and Extra Large
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