Southern Enterprises X Frame Etagere Bookshelf 59" Tall, Black Finish

Southern Enterprises
SKU: EZFB004773CJ8
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  • Versatile shelf features four spacious shelves for showing off book collections or home décor
  • Unique silhouette updates any home office, living room, or bedroom
  • Black finish combines with a 3D X-frame for effortless universal style
  • Etagère shelf requires assembly and is made with ash veneer and MDF
  • Handsome furniture piece weighs 45 pounds, supports 100 pounds overall, and measures 46 inches wide x 13 inches deep x 59 inches high

  • Help organize any room in your home with this sleek "X" shelf. Four display shelves are held sturdy by two large "X" frames, each shelf decreasing in size the higher they are on the shelf. This étagère is great for any home office or living room to display books, pictures, and flowers. With function and design, this bookcase is sure to be a favorite with everyone. This "goes anywhere" bookshelf or décor display shelf includes 4 spacious shelves total. Dimensions include: Overall: 46" W x 13" D x 59" H; Shelf height: 14" H; Shelf widths: 23", 31", 39", 46" W (top to bottom). This one-of-a-kind item approximately weighs 45 poundsand can support up to 25 pounds (per shelf). Only quality materials and manufacturing will do. Product materials include: ash veneer, MDF. Assembly required. Made in China.
    Brand: Southern Enterprises, Model: HO0911, Color: Black

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